Friday 21 September 2012

Attention please!

The Irish jam was overdue so I decide to throw it in the bin and created a newer better blog called The Fashion Riot visit this site please and comment it if you like : 

Hope you will follow me there .



Sunday 29 April 2012


Looking for something to do on a Sunday? Flea Market is the answer.

Open from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. this original market takes place the last sunday of every month in the Co-op of Newmarket square, Dublin 8, in other words going out from Griffith college towards St. Patrick's cathedral take the left road just before the cathedral and walk straight head for five minutes following the brown signals, you will end up in a open-space full of stalls selling from vintage clothes to retro furnitures. Among these 60 stalls there is one that actually looks like a real furnitures/antiques shop: it has got old radios still working, couches 60s style, clocks, lamps and so on. In the middle of the square there are little chairs and tables upon which there are children's table-games and many families gather there with their children eating sandwiches and getting some rest from the crazy shopping.

But if you thought that was the market, you didn't see anything yet, the actual Flea market takes place inside a huge white tent beside the open-space which you can have access through a small door. Since the first step in you are overwhelmed by a welcoming smell of spicy food and pizza that combined to the lounge music, played through stereo speakers, makes your shopping even more pleasant and relaxing.

Sometimes jazz bands play on a stage set at the end of the tent in front of a big window that opens to a balcony full of tables and benches where ,on a sunny day, you can seat with your friends and eat delicious food that you can buy in the three or four stalls on the left side at the end of the tent : the first one , starting from the bottom, is a pizzeria/cafe where the chef comes from Naples and the most of the staff is italian so ,for a very low price (only 7euros), you can get a very good pizza made with original ingredients; going on ,there's a small stall selling cakes and tarts which is perfect for having breakfast and still really cheap, then there is one selling tasty and big falafel with everything you want inside and the last one is a greek cuisine's stall. So you are plenty of choices and when you get the food you want you can seat on comfortable brown leather couches or benches around wooden tables inside, just beside the food-stalls and on the balcony outside.

Once you have fulfilled your belly and you have got enough energy you can finally get up from the table and focus on shopping!Coming inside the tent from the little entrance after a narrow corridor you arrive upstairs in a position that gives you the view to all the stalls and the eating-area. The first stalls in front of the stairs sells vintage clothes , then there are many others selling paintings, old cameras , cool printed t-shirts and one of them sells the official posters of the Flea market which changes the logo and the theme every month: they are very colorful and the design is always original (photo on the left). There is also another room next the main one where ,in one of the stalls, they do alterations for clothes. And it's there that I found out this artist called Sarah Bowie, she is thirty-years old and she used to draw the illustrations for children's books till she got fired last winter and she decided to keep on drawing and selling her paintings which are kind of illustrations for children's book but they are aimed at a more mature audience since dark color tones are used to convey a sensation of being in a gothic dream, the children portrayed don't even have a face except from the eyes in order to better represent this ghoulish world which is hidden behind the fairytales.If you are interested in this artist and you want to know more you can find it on or checking her facebook page.

Above two pictures by Sarah Bowie I bought at her stall in the Fleamarket.

In conclusion the Flea market is an amazing place to spend a whole day eating good food, buying quality clothes and discovering new pieces of Art and it definitely has become one of my favorite places in Dublin.

Me and my friend Carlotta trying on some fancy glasses by Molloy and Dowling a shop in Dublin which had a stall in the Fleamarket.

Saturday 28 April 2012

What's going on in Dublin?!


Some serious fashion crimes have been committed during these spring days in Dublin!
As everyone knows Spring is the time where some animals wakes up from their lethargy, but apparently in Dublin not only badgers decide to make their appearance out from their caves..there are some "animalesque" outfits which should stay in lethargy for EVER,  that unfortunately seems to blossom like daisies during Spring time in Dublin city-centre; 
These pictures are clear examples of that.

Here a quick resume in italian of what I've just said because some friends in Italy asked me to translate what I write :) :

In poche parole Dublino che in quanto la capitale dell'Irlanda dovrebbe essere una capitale della moda visto le sue influenze internazionali a causa del flusso immigratorio da tutto il mondo, e visto la sua vicinanza con Londra non si dimostra all'altezza dell'Alta moda, specialmente durante la Primavera dove alcuni look stravaganti e oserei dire rivoltanti si scorgono nelle strade Dublinesi in tutto il loro folgore..e non sono solo ci si mettono i cosiddetti knacker  (per sapere cosa significa la parola "knacker" la foto sottostante spiega più di mille parole) a rovinare il buon gusto Irlandese ma anche in negozi tipo Topshop look obobriosi vengono spacciati come ultime tendenze (come ad esempio ciò che io chiamo le "scarpette di Berlusconi).

Remember: one ray of sun in the sky does not allow you to wear shorts..this is Dublin NOT Miami!! And Anfibios are cool but only if you are wearing a particular style, kind of rock-punk, absolutely not in that kind of pink and especially if you are a knacker that combines them with a lovely orange fake-tan! Not to mention the country squared- shirt..ok it's true that Rihanna was wearing a shirt like that during her "We found love" video-clip, set in the countryside near Dublin, but if you think that wearing it will make you look like her..ehhmmm...WRONG!!!the hair are just the finest touch!

And what about these boat-shoes found in Topshop?! Surely useful for the pouring rain in Dublin, I guess they could actually float on the water! Or if you are not that tall they could help you to gain some centimeters that's why I call them "Berlusconi" shoes in honor of the italian former president Silvio Berlusconi, famous for his highness not only physical.. :D 

Other amazing outfits directly from the 70s...

Please feel free to leave your personal comment :)



Saturday 31 March 2012

Hello again!

Hello my fashion lovers,

I know I've been away for over a century and I haven't posted anything since ages , but between college, work, gym and travels I didn't get the chance to update my lovely blog.
Anyways that's a resume of what you missed on The Irish Jam:
Two weeks ago while I was going to st. Stephen's Green (a park in Dublin) to work on my photography class assignment from shooting I ended up to be the one to be shot :) I know crazy right?! I wasn't even prepared for that but these are some of the pictures the photographer took of me , all what I'm wearing in the pics comes from Italy except the green coat from Denim &Co. 

By Muhammad Sami 

These are instead three pictures I shot with my analogic camera :

some girls with fancy dresses were doing a photo-shoot in the park

The picture below was taken on a trip I went with my college in  Co. Kerry and I am with two of my most fashionable friends, Carlotta and Marcelo, as regard what I am wearing the skirt is from Forever 21 and the blazer is from Pull and Bear.

shorts and boa : 2euro shop ;  green t-shirt : penneys ; hair-clips : claire's .

 LONDON shopping ... 
what do you think about the nerd glasses?? too overvalued? Gucci eyewear collection 2011 used the exact same type of eyeglass frame.

Dublin Nights : 
what do you think about the trousers of my friend Marcelo?!aren't they great?!?!While the dress I'm wearing is from Zara.


Friday 9 December 2011

Christmas Costumes!

Before coming to Dublin I´ve never thought that I should have dressed up for christmas but it turned out that there´s an Irish tradition called "12 pubs for xmas" which requires people to wear funny christmas jumpers full of christmas lights and going around 12different pubs in one night. 

So my Irish flatmate,who is totally crazy about christmas, had the idea not to make a simple jumper but a dress:

 Ciara(my Irish flatmate) and Me

Carlotta and me


Making it took us a while but it´s simpler than it seems:

First of all we bought a penguin "onze" in Penneys for 10 €
then we cut the legs with a scalpel and we used them as the tale of our dress. 
We took two sheets of felt,one red and the other black,to cut the letters of "xmas" and we sewed them to the back of the onze that we used as the front.
After, we made holes into the letters of the dress  and around where we sticked the lights with glue. 
After cutting a pair of thights we put the lights´battery into one leg of what is left of the thights and we tied it on our chest under the dress.
Then we cut a little bit the neck to make it larger and -Voila´- the fanciest christmas outfit you have ever seen is ready!

Happy "12 pubs for xmas"! :)

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Which kind of animal are you?

This winter seems that animals hats took possession of people´s mind. 
Bears, owls, cats,pandas and even bevears have been seen crouching on people´s heads.
So what are you waiting for?! choose the animal you prefer and wear it! (Pay attention this is not an encouragement to kill some animals and make a fur out of them the hats are simply cute representations of animals :D )


But pay attention not to exaggerate:

You can buy them in shops like River Island or simply in the stands on the street in the city-centre.

If you are really crazy about them and you don´t mind about the price 
SpiritHoods have got the best ones but the cost is about 129 € 

They are available at

Enjoy your new pets!!! :)

Thursday 1 December 2011

The Market

The market is an oasis of Fashion and uniqueness in the city populated by big chains of shops where sometimes all the clothes you find in one of these shops look alike the others.

 While the market is a fashion boutique located in Powerscourt where some little Irish designers have the chance to show their creations and people can buy unique dresses accessories at a good price.